An opportunity to make a difference
Online gifts may be made below; all gifts are processed by the CEID STEM Foundation, a non-profit IRS 501 (c ) (3) approved organization responsible for receiving and administering private donations to the CEID STEM course.
STEM Volunteer Program
The CEID STEM Volunteer Program to support Primary and Junior Secondary School STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics) education, as well as foster STEM literacy, and motivate students to pursue STEM careers.
Areas of Need:
Be a resource for the teacher and students and help develop activities jointly with teachers
Make presentations based on your expertise when appropriate
Work with teachers to enhance/improve course count
Advise students during lab experiments, scientific investigations, and STEM projects
Offer insights on an aspect of a specific STEM field and relate STEM to real world experiences.
Facilitate and help teachers design experimental challenges to demonstrate scientific and engineering principles for the students
Training in Computer programming (coding) and Computer part assembly.
Training lab equipment operation, report writing, data interpretation, running experiment and equipment installation.
Public schools in Ghana are continually trying to deliver on their missions with limited budgets. As a result, essential equipment for STEM educational curriculum is often too costly and inaccessible to the schools that need it most.
Donating equipment and supplies to these schools as part of your company’s ongoing effort to advance science education and support local schools.
You have a weekend, a week, two weeks to help, want to mentor a student, have a technical or non-technical expertise, there is a volunteer role suited to your unique interest. Find information about CEID STEM Foundation programs, volunteer resources, opportunities, and more!
Sponsor Donation Form
Please complete this form
I want to make a tax-deductible contribution for the sum of:
___$100 ___$250 ___$500 ___$1000
Bronze Level ($1000)
Recognition on CEID STEM Foundation Website
Silver Level ($5000)
Recognition on CEID STEM Foundation Website
Yearbook recognition
Gold Level ($10,000)
Recognition on CEID STEM Foundation Website
Yearbook recognition
Company Name recognition on plaque displayed outside Resource Center
Viking Level ($15,000+)
Recognition in CEID STEM Foundation Newsletter
Recognition on CEID STEM Foundation Website
Recognition on CEID STEM Yearbook recognition
Company Name recognition on plaque displayed outside Resource Center
Permanent marker placed in the new resource center Serenity Garden
All checks should be made payable to CEID STEM Foundation. Or, if you prefer to use a credit card, you can make your donation online through the CEID STEM Foundation website: